Every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Every night we invite three artists, from three different genres to make music together on our beautiful stage. They will have a (whispering) dialogue with each other and with the acoustics of the space. They will take turns, stand on three stages, react to each other and sometimes play together. It will be a unique concert where the artists will play the ‘whisper’-version of their material. We are super excited to hear, see and experience what will happen on those Fridays!
It is difficult to master the technique of playing soft and quiet. So this concept is a challenge for musicians, but at the same time very exciting to watch and listen to. With these concerts we like to introduce the unique acoustics of our stage to the musicians and our audience.
doors open 20.00 uur
concert 20.30 – 22.00 uur
This night we will listen to:
Dodó Kis
Pak Yan Lau
Samira's Blues
The concert series Fluisterconcerten is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts).
Dodó Kis is a Hungarian recorder and EWI (electric wind instrument) player, composer and improviser with a soft spot for theater and electronics. She is a free-spirited player who finds her space in a variety of genres and styles, from folk-jazz to alternative funk-rock, from early music to free improvisation.
A graduate at the Conservatory of Amsterdam MA, Dodó has a unique voice in the Amsterdam and European contemporary and improvised music scene; she established her interdisciplinary recorder ensemble Trio aXolot, and Jerboah, a genre-bending funk-rock band.
Next to her mission to emancipate the recorder in the field of improvised music, Dodó is also curator of the genre-bending concert series the Nebular Sessions, and is on the board of directors at the BIM (union of dutch improvising musicians) organization.
For more info see: https://kidobo.wixsite.com/dodo
Pak Yan Lau is a pianist with a penchant for improvisation, sound and electro- acoustic experimentation. After her classical piano studies in Antwerp and Porto, she moved to Brussels, where she is now a well-known figure in the local experimental scene. Her music ranges from minimal sound explorations (lauroshilau with Yuko Oshima and Audrey Lauro), to free jazz improv (Mette Rasmussen, Chris Corsano) to electro-groove/ambient (Going – trio with Giovanni Di Domenico and João Lobo). And currently also active as composer (latest release: Bakunawa, an ensemble piece for prepared harp, gong rods, toy piano’s and minimal electronics) and creating sound- installations involving site specific places such as ‘Sogni Liquidi’ music for underwater in public swimming pools and ‘(t)ears’: 22 handblown glass tears hanged in a space within every glass tear a system of hydrophones or independent passive speakers, functioning like a glassy acousmonium.
As a soloist, she has a trilogy (Books) out, where she plays 3 different instrumentations, respectively: prepared piano/synth, sampler, electronica/toy pianos, gong rods, electronica. Thanks to her encounter with Japanese tubist Daysuke Takaoka, she has developed a relationship with Japan and their artists over the past 10 years. Being active in different fields she has collaborated with wonderful musicians.
For more info see: www.pakyanlau.com
Samira’s Blues brengt Noord-Afrikaanse spirituals en originals met Arabische, Amazigh en Afrikaanse roots.
Samira Dainan volgt het nomadische spoor van haar voorouders, ze leeft in de sahara van Marokko, woont ceremonies bij in het Atlasgebergte en de Sous en raakt in vervoering tijdens Gnaoua lila (nachten) in Essaouira. Terug in Amsterdam schrijft en componeert ze bezielde songs voor haar band. De arrangementen zijn gemaakt door Bas Gaakeer op gitaar. Sinds de EP release in Paradiso eind 2018 verovert deze spirituele ‘desert blues’ het publiek van Amsterdam tot in de Sahel.
De band toerde door Nederland met de betoverende EP – Ya Baba – , was support act voor Tuareg-rockers Tamikrest en Imarhan en speelde op het befaamde Taragalte festival in de Marokkaanse sahara.
Ze werken nu aan hun nieuwe E.P. waarvoor ze in Marokko nieuwe inspiratie hebben opgedaan tijdens een artist in residence, met multi instrumentalist Mourad Belouadi.
Voor meer informatie zie: www.samirasblues.com