Erämaa Trio, founded in 2016, is an ensemble dedicated to the modern repertoire for violin/viola, clarinets and piano.
Erämaa Trio, founded in 2016, is an ensemble dedicated to the modern repertoire for violin/viola, clarinets and piano.
John Cage - Atlas Eclipticalis
Paul Pankert - Partita Ritardata
Jacob ter Veldhuis - Grab It!
Quentin Meurisse - Improvisation
John Cage Atlas Eclipticalis
Erämaa Trio, founded in 2016, is an ensemble dedicated to the modern repertoire for violin/viola, clarinets and piano. Eager to bring a fresh perspective, the trio is resolutely oriented towards the music of the 20th and 21st centuries by including the different styles that this encompasses in order to give audiences as broad a view as possible of the diversity of the musical world by incorporating new technologies in order to approach and propose daring programmes.
From baroque revisited to new soundscapes and a caleidoscop based on the atlas of the stars by Antonin Becvár. This new program presents works combining electronics and video with three solos for each of the musicians surrounded by the immersive piece by John Cage « Atlas Eclipticalis ».
From baroque revisited to new soundscapes and a caleidoscop based on the atlas of the stars by Antonin Becvár. This new program presents works combining electronics and video with three solos for each of the musicians surrounded by the immersive piece by John Cage « Atlas Eclipticalis ».Our trio also works with other musicians, and Erämaa Trio morphs into Erämaa Ensemble developing a repertoire with voice and other instruments as well as live electronic / live video repertoire. This ensemble is resolutely oriented towards the music of the 20th and 21st centuries and try to include the different styles that this music comprises in order to give the public a view as wide as possible on the diversity of today’s music.
In November 2017, the Erämaa Trio won first prize at the Léopold Bellan international competition in France. The trio is recognised by Art&Vie and supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Erämaa performs regularly at festivals and venues such as the LOOP Festival, the Belgian Music Days, the Royal Academy of Belgium, the Royal Conservatory of Brussels,…. and frequently plays in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Japan.
From 2023 onwards, Erämaa is an Artist in Residence in partnership with the Forum de la Création Musicale in Belgium.