Erämaa Trio « Secret Gardens » door open 20.00
Erämaa Trio, founded in 2016, is an ensemble dedicated to the modern repertoire for violin/viola, clarinets and piano.
Hoe klinkt de Diamantbuurt? Deur open 19.30 / Aanvang 20.00
Be Good
Oxford bedroom-pop group BE GOOD are coming to Amsterdam!
Fluisterconcert #5
Dit is het laatste concert in de reeks Fluisterconcerten.
Fluisterconcert #4
Every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Fluisterconcert #3
Every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Fluisterconcert #2
The coming year, every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our new concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Open podium voor elektronisch (geluids)experiment. BLEEP BLOP WOOSH OOOOOO zzzzzz [synthesis: the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole]
Fluisterconcert #1
The coming year, every first Friday of the month, we will be organizing our new concert series Fluisterconcerten (‘whisperconcerts’)
Muzikale Edelstenen #6
De zesde editie in de reeks van 9 concerten, georganiseerd door buurtbewoonster Rhonda Branneky. U hoeft geen kaartjes te reserveren, entree is vrij